Amazon Prime Day 2! Why Not Use This Opportunity to Get Ahead Start On Some Christmas Prep!
We all know that one person who has all their presents bought and wrapped by the beginning of November, their turkey ordered, stuffing and Pigs in Blankets made in advance and in the freezer just ready to defrost and go in to cook, their decorations so tasteful and aesthetic that seem to put themselves up without anyone them having to lift a finger - yes that person. They are so organised they put the rest of us to shame. They watch the rest of us running around like headless chickens in the weeks leading up to Christmas with a smile on their faces that even Mr. Grinch can't compete with! The whole holiday is a breeze for them. Well take advantage of Prime Day 2 and your day can be just as organised.
With Christmas fast approaching (yes, I know it's only October, but you can never prepare too early or be too organised), why not take advantage of the upcoming second Amazon Prime Day this year, confirmed by Amazon to be taking place on the 10th and 11th October. This can be a great opportunity for you to purchase some gifts in advance while saving a penny or 2! A lot like Black Friday where all sorts of things are discounted, for those of you who perhaps haven't heard of Prime Day before, it's a day (or 2) event where Amazon discount a huge array of their items for that specified time only. Hence why it works like Black Friday.
Here are a couple of tips to help, especially if you are new to Amazon or new to the idea of a Prime Day.
Tip #1. As Prime Day 2 starts on the 10th October, why not use the next couple of days to collate a quick list from the various people you have to buy for this year, particularly if the gifts are going to be electronics or children's gifts. That way you have a rough idea of who wants what.
Tip #2. Utilise this site as well as the Amazon site. On the 10th and 11th October, you can either come back to this site and go to the Prime Deals page by clicking on this tab here or you can go directly to the Amazon homepage where you will have to navigate yourself to the Prime Deals section. You will also find this link in the affiliate links section of my site. The link takes you straight to the Amazon page where you will find the Prime Day 2 deals. Alternatively, if you have scrolled through the various sections of my website and you have seen something that you like in one of those sections, for example in the gifts, kids or entertainment sections where you will find a huge array of gift ideas, then click on the item, and then click on "go to link" directly below the text, and you will be taken straight to the Amazon page.
Tip #3. Some items are already discounted, for example in the electronics section there are some huge discounts so make sure to click the link above and have a look to see if any of these are on your list. Some of the savings are as big as a huge 75% off.
Tip #4. If you are intending to use the Prime Day 2 for Christmas preparation, make sure you have somewhere safe you can hide your various purchases between now and the big day, particularly if you have children, or animals, who like to ransack the house sniffing out their Christmas goodies! One year, my cats tore open a canvas bag and between the 3 of them, ate an entire very large pack of Christmas Dreamies I had been hiding in there, as well as some all-natural chicken flavoured dog chews I had bought as a gift for my brother's Pug. The catnip toy I had bought for my cats was completely ripped to shreds which left a mass of catnip all over the place, making the floor resemble what can only be described as a crime scene, and there was a foot missing from the Pug's new toy! I had 3 very guilty-looking cats who had very upset tummies for the next few days, and I had a very large vets’ bill! I ended up having to purchase something else for the cats and Mr. Pugliani and my cats then had the nerve to try and do the same thing again, only this time I had hidden everything in a drawer! So again, word of advice, think carefully about where you intend to hide the goods once purchased. A canvas bag is not always safe with fur babies!
Remember Amazon deliver!
Amazon delivering has a huge upside when compared to having to lug shopping bags and trollies around shops as well as saving you precious time, so if finances permit, Prime Day 2 is the perfect time to take advantage and purchase multiple items at once and have them dropped off right at your front door, well in time for Christmas. You can also purchase some stunning artificial Christmas trees, decorations, light-up decorations, lights, Christmas kitchen accessories etc from Amazon, all of which can be delivered straight to your house, making preparing for Christmas even easier again. Please feel free to take a look at my holiday season page in the links section for a snapshot of what Amazon has to offer in terms of Christmas goodies.
Don't forget, 10th and 11th October........
*Post contains affiliate links